As the new calendar year begins, I reflect on the good work your board has been doing in creating interesting events to foster new connections, old friendships, intellectual stimulation and the maintenance of ties to dear old Yale.
Our season began in October with a fun Welcome Back cocktail party, continued in November with an interesting and entertaining presentation by the Sarasota Orchestra and the exciting group viewing of THE GAME, and a fascinating talk about Sarasota archeology and pre-history in December. We begin the new year with Anne Perkins discussion in January on how Yale struggled to find its way with co-education. In February, it is your club’s turn to host the annual Yale-Harvard-Princeton lunch. Our speaker is Beverly Gage, a powerhouse professor of 20th Century American History. Later in February we will have a private tour and lunch at the Ringling Museum and our new annual tradition of Feb Club Emeritus.
In March the Yale Glee Club comes to town, we host Yale Professor Greg Huber, chair of the Political Science Department, followed by a visit from the Whiffenpoofs of 2020. In April it’s the Yale Day of Service, a lunch with Selby Gardens head Jennifer Rominiecki, joint sponsorship with the Mt. Holyoke Club of the Suffragist Project at Florida Studio Theater and a planned elegant social dinner for members.
If you haven’t paid your $40 dues for this fiscal year, please consider going to the web site and doing so. Not only will you be helping to defray the costs of your Club’s activities, but you will be recognized in the Club’s printed directory, have your own permanent name badge and save $10 on the cost of each ticket for yourself and any guests for the aforementioned events.
Boola Boola!
Rick Lannamann ES “69
President, Yale Club of the Suncoast